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e-Book-2 Program Discount - For People Who Have Purchased The Print Edition of the Book
We now offer a special low price on digital volumes if you have previously purchased the equivalent… |
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Upgrade from RustyBrick Siddur to Wasserman Digital Artscroll Siddur
If you already have the RustyBrick Siddur app on your iOS/Android device, for a limited time, you can… |
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App Crash At Start Up - Causing Library to be Deleted
Why am I seeing this screen when I try to open my app? Unfortunately, due to an Apple update, you will… |
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Can I add ArtScroll URLs to my filter's whitelist?
Yes! If you have a filter installed on your device, it is very possible that it can block the Store… |
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Can I copy and paste from the app?
Due to security issues we will not be able to offer the "copy and paste features" in the ArtScroll Digital… |
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Can I download the app on my computer?
The ArtScroll Digital Library is available for tablets and phones in conjunction with either the Apple… |
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Can I get a discount for previously purchased volumes when I buy the complete set containing those volumes?
If you have purchased any individual volume(s) and you now want to buy the complete set that contains… |
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Can I print pages for Shabbos?
Unfortunately, we have not yet devised a solution for printing pages from the app for Shabbos use. All… |
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Gifting Digital Sefarim/Books
You can now gift others digital sefarim and books from our website appstore.artscroll.com Simply add… |
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How can I access my Android purchases on my Apple device?
To access your Android purchases on your Apple device, please follow these instructions: If you already… |
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How can I access my Apple purchases on another Apple device?
You can access your previously purchased content on u p to five Apple devices that use your iTunes account… |
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How can I access my Apple purchases on my Android/Kindle Fire device?
To access your Apple purchases on your Android/Kindle Fire device, please follow these instructions:… |
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How can I add a Hebrew keyboard to my device?
As of right now, Kindle does not support Hebrew. On Apple devices: First, go to your device settings,… |
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How can I cancel the auto-renewal of my Daf Yomi Monthly Subscription?
Your subscription is governed, billed, and renewed monthly by your device through iTunes/Google Wallet.… |
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How can I get a refund?
Unfortunately there is no way for us to directly refund a purchase processed by iTunes or Google Wallet,… |
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How can I install the app?
To install the app on Apple devices, please see Downloading the App on Apple Devices - iPad, iPhone,… |
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How can I organize volumes in my library?
From your library, tap and hold your finger on a volume until it becomes slightly raised. From the raised… |
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How can I restore the footnotes window?
The notes window appearing as the bottom half of the translation page can be re-sized or closed using… |
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How do I force close the app?
The process of force closing an app (also called force quit) varies from device to device, so please… |
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Key to the font styles used in the Schottenstein Talmud
Unfortunately, we do not have an official key explaining all of the tools incorporated into the Artscroll… |
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What are all the question marks around the app?
You will notice that there are many question marks placed throughout the app. When you tap on a question… |
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What should I do if I have missing pages, blank pages, or pages out of order?
If you are experiencing any of the above issues please try the following: 1)Navigate to your library… |
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Where are Shabbos/Yom Tov prayers in the Siddur?
The Shabbos and Yom Tov prayers are not included in the Siddur in accordance with Orthodox Halachic… |
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Why are there so many updates (red numbers) and do I need them?
The bubbled numbers on the covers of the volumes represent the amount of files that have pending updates.… |
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Why does the Library on my Android device appear empty?
We released an Android app update (2.0.8) over this past weekend designed to make the ArtScroll App… |
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Why does the masthead sometimes disappear on my iPhone?
There is a full screen mode built into the iPhone and iPod Touch versions of the app. It can be accessed… |