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Original (Vilna) Page Settings

1 Dynamic Grey Bar

The Dynamic Grey Bar setting allows you to turn on or off the grey bar i n the side margin of the Vilna…

2 Highlight Annotations on Vilna Page

The Highlight Annotations setting allows you to turn on or off the function that highlights any annotations…

3 Highlight Commentaries on Vilna Page

The Highlight Commentaries setting allows you to turn on or off the function that highlights many of…

4 Hyperlinks on Classic Vilna PDF

The Hyperlinks on Classic Vilna PDF setting allows you to turn on or off the hyperlinks on the Vilna…

5 Hyperlinks on Free Flowing Text

The Hyperlinks on Free Flowing Text setting allows you to turn on or off the hyperlinks on the Hebrew…

6 Layout of the Vilna Page

The Layout setting allows you to choose between two different viewing layouts for the Vilna page - either…