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1 ARCHIVE: Minyanim

The Minyanim feature shows you a list of all Minyanim in your area, and the minyan details. To see the…

2 Go Back To

The "Go Back To" feature allows you to quickly switch between a sefer or book you are reading and the…

3 Luach & Events

The Luach & Events feature shows you a full Jewish calendar with Rosh Chodesh, Yomim Tovim, etc.…

4 Map

The Map feature allows you to see who else is using the Siddur around the world. If you do not wish…

5 Misheberach

The Misheberach feature allows you to create a Misheberach list for the ill. You can also view the public…

6 Mizrach

The Mizrach feature is a digital compass that will point you in the right direction to daven.

7 Tefillin Mirror

The Tefillin Mirror feature allows you to check if your tefillin are in the right place, straight from…

8 Verses For Names

The Shelah HaKadosh writes that it's a segulah to recite a verse that contains the letters of one's…

9 Zmanim

The Zmanim feature shows you a list of all the Zmanim for your location. To change the Zmanim settings…