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A Quick Siddur Overview

With the release of the Wasserman Digital Artscroll Siddur, we have added in some new features, as well as siddur-specific settings, into the app.

Smart Mode: 

  • You can set the siddur to "smart mode" and the app will automatically display the tefillos/prayers specific for that day. To learn more about smart mode, please see: Smart Mode.

A new Siddur Menu:

  • "Go Back To" button which allows you to jump directly to and from the Siddur without having to go through the library.
  • Zmanim - A list of the days Zmanim according to your location.
  • Minyanim - Local times and locations of Minyanim in your area.
  • Luach & Events - Shows holidays, hebrew dates, Parsha, Daf Yomi, and custom events.
  • Mizrach - A digital compass that shows you which way to daven.
  • Misheberach - A personal list of people to daven for.
  • Verses for Names - Search the verse(s) for your name and have them show on your Siddur page.
  • Map - See who else is using the app around the world.
  • Tefillin Mirror - Check the placement of your Teffilin right from the app.

To learn more about any of the above features, simply click on the underlined name of the feature in the above list.

New Siddur settings:

  • We encourage you to play around with all the settings to personalize the Siddur the way you would like. To learn more about the settings, please see: Siddur Settings.