Interlinear Siddurim/Tehillim
We are very excited to announce the release of The Ganz Family - Digital Interlinear Siddurim and Tehillim!You can now use the innovative interlinear ArtScroll Siddur and Tehillim that you love in an interactive digital format on the ArtScroll App!Featuring:- Word by Word Interlinear Translation
- Classic Commentary connected to the corresponding phrases
- Classic ArtScroll fonts and layout that can be dynamically enlarged
- References In the commentary are hyperlinked to source in the Talmud
- Weekly and Monthly - Daily Tehillim Cycles dynamically show you what you need to say for that day - based on Dynamic Jewish Calendar Calculations
- Add your own notes, highlights and bookmarks
- Tehillim Psalms Special Days - Dynamically show the special Tehillim for that day based on either the Siddur Avodas Yisrael, Bais Yaacov or Maase Rav
- Tehillim for Special Occasions
- Alphabetical Listing of Tehillim