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UPDATE: Kindle Fire and Windows 11!

The ArtScroll Digital Library is now live on Kindle Fire, and select Windows 11 devices!

All the volumes and features that are available for the Android version, are available on Kindle Fire and Windows 11.

▶ To download the App on your Kindle Fire device, open the Amazon App Store and search for ArtScroll Digital Library, or click this link: amazon.com/dp/B00H89THI2

▶ To download the app on your Windows 11 device, you first need to optimize your device to support Android-based apps.

*NOTE - this is not available on all Windows 11 devices. Please see the following link to check if you device is compatible: support.microsoft.com 

  1. Search the Windows App Store for ArtScroll Digital Library - or click this link: apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/artscroll-digital-library/
  2. You will then be prompted to install the Amazon AppStore.
  3. After it's finished installing, the Amazon Appstore and the Windows Subsystem for Android™ Settings app will appear in the Start menu and your app list. 
  4. When you're ready, open the Amazon Appstore and sign in with your Amazon account.
  5. You can then search the Amazon App Store for the ArtScroll Digital Library and install it on your device.

Trying to access your previous purchases on your new Kindle Fire/Windows 11 device? Please see: Restoring My Previously Purchased Volumes