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Interlinear Onkelos Settings

Using the Interlinear Onkelos Settings, you can further customize the Interlinear Onkelos mode, greatly enhancing your learning experience!

Highlight Differences

This innovative feature highlights the words when Onkelos deviates from the literal translation into his own interpretation.

Highlight Styles and Colors

This setting allows you to choose the color of the Onkelos Differences highlight.

Interlinear Main

This setting allows you to enable the Interlinear Onkelos in the Main Chumash Window

Interlinear Popover

This setting allows you to enable the Interlinear Onkelos in the Translation Popover

Interlinear Notes Window

This setting allows you to enable the Interlinear Onkelos in the Notes / Commentaries Window

Show Text Variants

To learn more about all the features of the New ArtScroll Digital Chumashim, please watch the full tutorial video here: Complete Digital Chumash App Tutorial