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Yerushalmi/Digital Rashi/Chumash/Mishnah/Sefard Siddur/Shaar HaBitachon Upgrade

If you have the Fully Loaded ArtScroll Digital Library iPad, you are now able to download the new Digital Yerushalmi, Chumash, Rashi Chumash, Mishnah Elucidated, Sefard Siddur and Shaar HaBitachon!

Unfortunately, due to Apple limitations, this update will require a fresh install of the app and download of the content. *Note* You should not have to do this again in the future to get our app updates!

If you have done this in the past, you don't need to again! You would simply go to the AppStore, search for 'ArtScroll Digital Library' and tap 'Update'.

To perform this upgrade, please follow the instructions below to update your app, and download your content:

BEFORE YOU BEGIN: In order for the app to recognize your purchases, you need to have registered your app with your ArtScroll.com account. 

1) Please first log in on your device by going to Menu > Store > My ArtScroll Account and sign in.

2) Delete the ArtScroll Digital Library app (Blue Icon) and re-download it fresh from the App Store.

3) Once you have re-downloaded the ArtScroll Digital Library App, open it up and navigate to Menu > Store > My ArtScroll Account and log in again.

  • For your security, you will be prompted to verify your account by validating the credit card info Artscroll.com has on file for you. There is NO CHARGE to do this.
  • If you do not know if you have a card on file with us, please click here: Add Payment Method and add a credit card.

4) After you have successfully logged in, you should see the 'My Volumes' link on the top right of the Store page. Please tap on that link to view and download all your purchased content!