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Kel Erech Apayim

In most siddurim Kel Erech Apayim appears in two versions: Version A, ascribed to the communities of Germany, Bohemia, and Lesser Poland (Western Galicia); and Version B, ascribed to the communities of Greater Poland  (Poland and Lithuania). In some congregations both versions are recited.

The "Kel Erech Apayim" setting allows you to choose which version of Kel Erech Apayim you would like to see by Krias HaTorah.

You can access this setting by tapping the gear button on your screen or by selecting Menu > Siddur Settings. Note: Depending on your device and/or app version, this menu may look a little different.

If you would like to see just version A, select "Version A", and your page will look like this:


If you would like to see just version B, select "Version B", and your page will look like this:


If you would like to see version A and B, select "Version A+B", and your page will look like this: