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Adding, changing, or deleting highlighter colors

To add, change, or delete highlight colors, please follow the instructions below.

Adding Colors

From the "My Highlights" menu, tap on "Add Highlight Color":

You will then be prompted for the name you would like to call your highlight, and your color choice. After you have finished tap on "Save". Your new highlight will now be added to the "My Highlights" menu:


Now, when you wish to put in a highlight, you will be able to select your new highlight from the list:

Note: Depending on how many highlights you have, you may have to tap on "more" (as shown) to access your full list of highlight colors.


Your new highlight now looks like this:

Adding an Underline

You can also create an underline. To do this, tap on "Add Highlight Color" from the "My Highlights" menu.

First, select "Underline" from the style section area, and then type in the name you would like to call your underline, and your color choice. After you have finished tap on "Save". Your new underline will now be added to the "My Highlights" menu:


Now, when you wish to put in an underline, you will be able to select your new underline from the list:

Note: Depending on how many highlights you have, you may have to tap on "more" (as shown) to access your full list of highlight colors.


Your new underline now looks like this:

Changing Highlight Colors

From the "My Highlights" menu tap on the little black arrow next to the highlight you would like to edit:

You can then change the color and/or the title of the highlight. When you are finished tap on "Save":

Deleting Highlight Colors

From the "My Highlights" menu, tap on "Edit" on the top right:

Tap on the small red bubble next to the highlight color you would like to delete, and a "Delete" button will appear. Tap on "Delete" and the highlight is deleted: