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Can I get a discount for previously purchased volumes when I buy the complete set containing those volumes?

If you have purchased any individual volume(s) and you now want to buy the complete set that contains those purchased volume(s), our automated system will give you credit for the number of volumes that you have already purchased.

This will only work when you make the purchase through our website using your ArtScroll.com account.

To receive your discount, please follow these directions:

1. You must first connect your device with your ArtScroll.com account. If you do not yet have an account, please tap on the following link to create one: Create an Artscroll Account

To connect your device, open the ArtScroll Digital Library App, go to the "Store" page (Menu>Store) and select "My ArtScroll Account". Sign in with your ArtScroll.com credentials and your device will be connected.


2. Once you have successfully connected your device, you can now make your purchase through the ArtScroll website: appstore.artscroll.com

Note: Steps 2,3, and 4 may be completed using any internet browser - even on a computer (which cannot access the app).

3. Log in to your account at the top of the page, and you will then be able to view your available discount by selecting the set you wish to purchase.

4. Add your desired set to your cart and proceed to checkout to receive credit for your previously purchased volumes.

5. Return to the ArtScroll Digital Library App, go to the "Store" page (Menu>Store) and select "My Purchased Volumes" to view and download your new content.

Note: The credit will be based on the current price of an individual volume. This is not necessarily what you paid for the volume(s).