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How can I cancel the auto-renewal of my Daf Yomi Monthly Subscription?

Your subscription is governed, billed, and renewed monthly by your device through iTunes/Google Wallet. This is similar to subscriptions to other apps. Please note that your email receipt is sent by iTunes/Google Wallet, not by ArtScroll. As such, the information that our representatives can access, as well as the assistance they can provide, is limited. The cancellation process will need to be performed by you, as follows:


Here are instructions to cancel the auto-renewal of your subscription on an Apple device:

1. From your device's home screen, click the Settings (gear) Icon 
2. Select Store > Apple ID > View Apple ID > Subscriptions > Manage
3. Turn "Auto-Renewal" Off

For further subscription information, please visit Apple Support:



To cancel your subscription on an Android device, please visit your My Subscriptions page on Google Wallet.

For further subscription information, please visit Google Support:
